Team Management
Team Binder
As the team manager you are required (*) to bring a number of items to every game. To make your job easier, we recommend that you put together a binder that includes the following items.
- Every Player's Birth Certificate
- Every Player's USA Hockey Number
- Contact info for MO Hockey age level commissioner, opposing team coaches and managers (provided by MO Hockey)
- Scoresheets (Handed out at MO Hockey meeting)
- Roster Stickers (More information below)
- Directions for filling out score sheet
- Directions for the Time Clock
- Pens & scratch paper
- Patch form
Home Game Responsibilities
Prior to each home game
- Schedule the following volunteers:
- Scoresheet
- Timekeeper
- Penalty Box
- It is suggested to make a schedule so every family takes a turn throughout the season.
- Apply your team's roster stickers
- Find visiting team's manager and apply their roster stickers.
- Have both teams' coaches sign prior to the game
After the game
- Refs will sign scoresheet
- Collect the scoresheet and provide the visiting team manager the pink copy. You will retain the yellow copy.
- Email the scoresheet to Missouri Hockey within 48 hours. 2020-2021 Instructions
- Submit the final score on Mo Hockey's website within 24 hours.
Roster Stickers
Rather than fill out your roster and coach information on every scoresheet, you should make roster stickers. The best size stickers to use are 2" x 4". You can download the online template to create.
Stickers at minimum should include:
- Team Name, Division, Playing Level (ie: SYHA 12U A2)
- Player Number
- Player First & Last Name
- Head/Assistant Coach Names
- Many also include coach's CEP number along with the coach's certification level.